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4 columns', 'exs' ), 'default-absolute' => esc_html__( 'Image with meta overlap', 'exs' ), 'default-absolute 2' => esc_html__( 'Image with meta overlap - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'default-absolute 3' => esc_html__( 'Image with meta overlap - 3 cols', 'exs' ), 'side' => esc_html__( 'Side featured image', 'exs' ), 'side-meta' => esc_html__( 'Right side featured image', 'exs' ), 'side-alter' => esc_html__( 'Alteration side image', 'exs' ), 'side-small' => esc_html__( 'Side small featured image', 'exs' ), 'side-small 2' => esc_html__( 'Side small featured image - 2 columns', 'exs' ), 'side-small 2 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Side small featured image - 2 columns Masonry', 'exs' ), 'title-only' => esc_html__( 'Only title (no image, meta and excerpt)', 'exs' ), 'title-only 2' => esc_html__( 'Only title (no image, meta and excerpt) - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'title-meta-only' => esc_html__( 'Only title and meta (no image and excerpt)', 'exs' ), 'title-meta-only 2' => esc_html__( 'Only title and meta (no image and excerpt) - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols 2' => esc_html__( 'Grid - 2 columns', 'exs' ), 'cols 3' => esc_html__( 'Grid - 3 columns', 'exs' ), 'cols 4' => esc_html__( 'Grid - 4 columns', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute 2' => esc_html__( 'Grid - meta overlap - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute 3' => esc_html__( 'Grid - meta overlap - 3 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute 4' => esc_html__( 'Grid - meta overlap - 4 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute-no-meta 2' => esc_html__( 'Grid - title overlap - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute-no-meta 3' => esc_html__( 'Grid - title overlap - 3 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute-no-meta 4' => esc_html__( 'Grid - title overlap - 4 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-excerpt 2' => esc_html__( 'Grid - centered excerpt no meta - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-excerpt 3' => esc_html__( 'Grid - centered excerpt no meta - 3 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-excerpt 4' => esc_html__( 'Grid - centered excerpt no meta - 4 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols 2 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - 2 columns', 'exs' ), 'cols 3 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - 3 columns', 'exs' ), 'cols 4 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - 4 columns', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute 2 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - meta overlap - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute 3 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - meta overlap - 3 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute 4 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - meta overlap - 4 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute-no-meta 2 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - title overlap - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute-no-meta 3 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - title overlap - 3 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-absolute-no-meta 4 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - title overlap - 4 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-excerpt 2 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - centered excerpt no meta - 2 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-excerpt 3 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - centered excerpt no meta - 3 cols', 'exs' ), 'cols-excerpt 4 masonry' => esc_html__( 'Masonry - centered excerpt no meta - 4 cols', 'exs' ), ) ); return $exs_return; } endif; //gap options array. Used global in customizer and for categories if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_feed_layout_gap_options' ) ) : function exs_get_feed_layout_gap_options( $exs_category = false ) { if ( empty( $exs_category ) ) { $exs_first_element = esc_html__( 'Default - none', 'exs' ); } else { $exs_first_element = esc_html__( 'Inherit from Customizer settings', 'exs' ); } $exs_return = apply_filters( 'exs_feed_layout_gap_options', array( '' => $exs_first_element, '1' => esc_html__( '1px', 'exs' ), '2' => esc_html__( '2px', 'exs' ), '3' => esc_html__( '3px', 'exs' ), '4' => esc_html__( '4px', 'exs' ), '5' => esc_html__( '5px', 'exs' ), '10' => esc_html__( '10px', 'exs' ), '15' => esc_html__( '15px', 'exs' ), '20' => esc_html__( '20px', 'exs' ), '30' => esc_html__( '30px', 'exs' ), '40' => esc_html__( '40px', 'exs' ), '50' => esc_html__( '50px', 'exs' ), '60' => esc_html__( '60px', 'exs' ), ) ); return $exs_return; } endif; //layout options array. Used global in customizer and for single posts if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_post_layout_options' ) ) : function exs_get_post_layout_options( $exs_category = false ) { if ( empty( $exs_category ) ) { $exs_first_element = esc_html__( 'Default - top featured image', 'exs' ); } else { $exs_first_element = esc_html__( 'Inherit from Customizer settings', 'exs' ); } $exs_return = apply_filters( 'exs_post_layout_options', array( '' => $exs_first_element, 'wide-image' => esc_html__( 'Wide featured image', 'exs' ), 'meta-top' => esc_html__( 'Post meta above featured image', 'exs' ), 'meta-image' => esc_html__( 'Post meta on featured image', 'exs' ), 'meta-side' => esc_html__( 'Side post meta', 'exs' ), 'bottom-meta' => esc_html__( 'Bottom post meta', 'exs' ), 'title-section-image' => esc_html__( 'Title section featured image', 'exs' ), 'no-image' => esc_html__( 'No featured image', 'exs' ), ) ); return $exs_return; } endif; //sidebar options array. Used global in customizer and for categories if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_sidebar_position_options' ) ) : function exs_get_sidebar_position_options( $exs_category = false ) { if ( empty( $exs_category ) ) { $exs_first_element = esc_html__( 'Default', 'exs' ); } else { $exs_first_element = esc_html__( 'Inherit from Customizer settings', 'exs' ); } $exs_return = array( 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right sidebar', 'exs' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left sidebar', 'exs' ), 'no' => esc_html__( 'No sidebar', 'exs' ), ); if ( $exs_category ) { $exs_return = array( $exs_first_element ) + $exs_return; } return $exs_return; } endif; //animation options array. if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_animation_options' ) ) : function exs_get_animation_options() { $exs_return = array( '' => esc_html__( 'None', 'exs' ), 'bounce' => esc_html__( 'bounce', 'exs' ), 'flash' => esc_html__( 'flash', 'exs' ), 'pulse' => esc_html__( 'pulse', 'exs' ), 'rubberBand' => esc_html__( 'rubberBand', 'exs' ), 'shake' => esc_html__( 'shake', 'exs' ), 'headShake' => esc_html__( 'headShake', 'exs' ), 'swing' => esc_html__( 'swing', 'exs' ), 'tada' => esc_html__( 'tada', 'exs' ), 'wobble' => esc_html__( 'wobble', 'exs' ), 'jello' => esc_html__( 'jello', 'exs' ), 'heartBeat' => esc_html__( 'heartBeat', 'exs' ), 'bounceIn' => esc_html__( 'bounceIn', 'exs' ), 'fadeIn' => esc_html__( 'fadeIn', 'exs' ), 'fadeInDown' => esc_html__( 'fadeInDown', 'exs' ), 'fadeInLeft' => esc_html__( 'fadeInLeft', 'exs' ), 'fadeInRight' => esc_html__( 'fadeInRight', 'exs' ), 'fadeInUp' => esc_html__( 'fadeInUp', 'exs' ), 'flip' => esc_html__( 'flip', 'exs' ), 'flipInX' => esc_html__( 'flipInX', 'exs' ), 'flipInY' => esc_html__( 'flipInY', 'exs' ), 'lightSpeedIn' => esc_html__( 'lightSpeedIn', 'exs' ), 'jackInTheBox' => esc_html__( 'jackInTheBox', 'exs' ), 'zoomIn' => esc_html__( 'zoomIn', 'exs' ), ); return $exs_return; } endif; //special categories process /** * Tests if any of a post's assigned categories are descendants of target categories * * @param int|array $exs_cats The target categories. Integer ID or array of integer IDs * @param int|object $exs_post The post. Omit to test the current post in the Loop or main query * * @return bool True if at least 1 of the post's categories is a descendant of any of the target categories * @see get_term_by() You can get a category by name or slug, then pass ID to this function * @uses get_term_children() Passes $exs_cats * @uses in_category() Passes $exs_post (can be empty) * @version 2.7 * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/in_category#Testing_if_a_post_is_in_a_descendant_category */ if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_post_is_in_descendant_category' ) ) : function exs_post_is_in_descendant_category( $exs_cats, $exs_post = null ) { foreach ( (array) $exs_cats as $exs_cat ) { // get_term_children() accepts integer ID only $exs_descendants = get_term_children( (int) $exs_cat, 'category' ); if ( $exs_descendants && in_category( $exs_descendants, $exs_post ) ) { return true; } } return false; } endif; //get selected categories from customizer options if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_special_categories_from_options' ) ) : function exs_get_special_categories_from_options() { return array_filter( array( 'services' => exs_option( 'category_services', '' ), 'portfolio' => exs_option( 'category_portfolio', '' ), 'team' => exs_option( 'category_team', '' ), ) ); } endif; //get special categories IDs array if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_special_categories_from_options_ids' ) ) : function exs_get_special_categories_from_options_ids() { $exs_cats = exs_get_special_categories_from_options(); $exs_return = array(); foreach ( $exs_cats as $exs_key => $exs_cat ) { $exs_return[] = $exs_cat; } return $exs_return; } endif; //get special categories IDs array with children if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_special_categories_from_options_ids_with_children' ) ) : function exs_get_special_categories_from_options_ids_with_children() { $exs_cats = exs_get_special_categories_from_options_ids(); $exs_return = array(); foreach ( $exs_cats as $exs_cat_id ) { $exs_children = get_term_children( $exs_cat_id, 'category' ); $exs_return[] = $exs_cat_id; foreach ( $exs_children as $exs_child_id ) { $exs_return[] = $exs_child_id; } } return $exs_return; } endif; //adding minus at the front of each special category if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_special_categories_from_options_with_minus' ) ) : function exs_get_special_categories_from_options_with_minus() { $exs_cats = exs_get_special_categories_from_options(); $exs_return = array(); foreach ( $exs_cats as $exs_key => $exs_cat ) { $exs_return[] = '-' . $exs_cat; } return $exs_return; } endif; //check if post in special categories if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_post_special_category_slug' ) ) : function exs_get_post_special_category_slug() { $exs_special_cats = exs_get_special_categories_from_options(); $exs_id = get_the_ID(); $exs_special_category_slug = false; foreach ( $exs_special_cats as $exs_slug => $exs_cat_id ) { //https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/155332/check-if-a-post-is-in-any-child-category-of-a-parent-category if ( in_category( $exs_cat_id, $exs_id ) || exs_post_is_in_descendant_category( $exs_cat_id, $exs_id ) ) { $exs_special_category_slug = $exs_slug; break; } } return $exs_special_category_slug; } endif; //get registered image sizes as array if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_image_sizes_array' ) ) : function exs_get_image_sizes_array() { $sizes = array( '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'exs' ), ); $registered_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes(); foreach ( $registered_sizes as $size ) { $sizes[ $size ] = $size; } return $sizes; } endif; //get color name based on bg class if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_color_name_based_on_bg_class' ) ) : function exs_get_color_name_based_on_bg_class( $bg_class ) { //'l' //'l m' //'i' //'i m' //'i c' //'i c c2' //'i c c3' //'i c c4' // colorLight // colorFont // colorFontMuted // colorBackground // colorBorder // colorDark // colorDarkMuted // colorMain // colorMain2 // colorMain3 // colorMain4 switch ( $bg_class ): case ( 'l' ): return 'colorLight'; case ( 'l m' ): return 'colorBackground'; case ( 'i' ): return 'colorDark'; case ( 'i m' ): return 'colorDarkMuted'; case ( 'i c' ): return 'colorMain'; case ( 'i c c2' ): return 'colorMain2'; case ( 'i c c3' ): return 'colorMain3'; case ( 'i c c4' ): return 'colorMain4'; default: return ''; endswitch; } endif; //get RGB string from HEX color if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_rgb_from_hex' ) ) : function exs_get_rgb_from_hex( $hex_string ) { if ( empty( $hex_string ) ) { return '255,255,255'; } $hex_string = str_replace( '#', '', $hex_string ); $len = strlen( $hex_string ); $hex_arr = str_split( $hex_string, $len / 3 ); foreach ( $hex_arr as $key => $hex_val ) { $hex_arr[ $key ] = $len < 4 ? hexdec( $hex_val . $hex_val ) : hexdec( $hex_val ); } return implode( ',', $hex_arr ); } endif; //get :root colors inline styles string if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_root_colors_inline_styles_string' ) ) : function exs_get_root_colors_inline_styles_string() { //colors $exs_css_vars_string = ''; // colorLight // colorFont // colorFontMuted // colorBackground // colorBorder // colorDark // colorDarkMuted // colorMain // colorMain2 // colorMain3 // colorMain4 $color_inverse_suffix = ! empty ( $_COOKIE['exs-color-inverse'] ) ? 'Inverse' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorLight' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ? '--colorLight:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorLight' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorLight' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ? '--colorLightRGB:' . exs_get_rgb_from_hex( sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorLight' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorFont' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ? '--colorFont:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorFont' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorFontMuted' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ? '--colorFontMuted:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorFontMuted' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorBackground' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ? '--colorBackground:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorBackground' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorBorder' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ? '--colorBorder:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorBorder' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorDark' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ? '--colorDark:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorDark' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorDarkMuted' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ? '--colorDarkMuted:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorDarkMuted' . $color_inverse_suffix, '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorMain', '' ) ? '--colorMain:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorMain', '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorMain2', '' ) ? '--colorMain2:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorMain2', '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorMain3', '' ) ? '--colorMain3:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorMain3', '' ) ) . ';' : ''; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'colorMain4', '' ) ? '--colorMain4:' . sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorMain4', '' ) ) . ';' : ''; //buttons font size $exs_css_vars_string .= '--btn-fs:'; $buttons_fs = exs_option( 'buttons_fs', '' ); $exs_css_vars_string .= is_numeric( $buttons_fs ) ? (int) $buttons_fs . 'px;' : '.92em;'; //social buttons gap $exs_css_vars_string .= '--socialGap:'; $buttons_fs = exs_option( 'buttons_social_gap', '' ); $exs_css_vars_string .= is_numeric( $buttons_fs ) ? (float) $buttons_fs . 'em;' : '1em;'; //widgets LI vertical gap $exs_css_vars_string .= '--wli-my:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'widgets_ul_margin', '' ) ? (float) ( exs_option( 'widgets_ul_margin', '' ) ) . 'em;' : '.5em;'; if ( ! is_admin() ) : //sidebar gap $exs_css_vars_string .= '--sb-gap:'; $main_gap_width = exs_option( 'main_gap_width', '' ); $exs_css_vars_string .= ! empty( $main_gap_width ) || '0' === $main_gap_width ? (float) ( exs_option( 'main_gap_width', '' ) ) . 'rem;' : '2.5rem;'; //side menu $exs_css_vars_string .= '--sideNavWidth:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'side_nav_width', '' ) ? (int) ( exs_option( 'side_nav_width', '' ) ) . 'px;' : '290px;'; $exs_css_vars_string .= '--sideNavPX:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'side_nav_px', '' ) ? (int) ( exs_option( 'side_nav_px', '' ) ) . 'px;' : '20px;'; //mobile nav $exs_css_vars_string .= '--mobileNavWidth:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'mobile_nav_width', '' ) ? (int) ( exs_option( 'mobile_nav_width', '' ) ) . 'px;' : '290px;'; $exs_css_vars_string .= '--mobileNavPX:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'mobile_nav_px', '' ) ? (int) ( exs_option( 'mobile_nav_px', '' ) ) . 'px;' : '20px;'; //side fixed sidebar $exs_css_vars_string .= '--sfixWidth:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'fixed_sidebar_width', '' ) ? (int) ( exs_option( 'fixed_sidebar_width', '' ) ) . 'px;' : '320px;'; $exs_css_vars_string .= '--sfixPX:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'fixed_sidebar_px', '' ) ? (int) ( exs_option( 'fixed_sidebar_px', '' ) ) . 'px;' : '30px;'; //bottom fixed menu $bottom_nav_height = exs_option( 'bottom_nav_height' ); if ( ! empty( $bottom_nav_height ) ) : $exs_css_vars_string .= '--menu-bottom-h:' . $bottom_nav_height . 'px;'; endif; //for admin - links and links hover colors color else: $exs_css_vars_string .= '--colorLinks:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'color_links_content', '' ) ? sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( exs_get_color_name_based_on_bg_class( exs_option( 'color_links_content', '' ) ) ) ). ';' : sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorDarkMuted', '' ) ) . ';'; $exs_css_vars_string .= '--colorLinksHover:'; $exs_css_vars_string .= exs_option( 'color_links_content_hover', '' ) ? sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( exs_get_color_name_based_on_bg_class( exs_option( 'color_links_content_hover', '' ) ) ) ). ';' : sanitize_hex_color( exs_option( 'colorMain', '' ) ) . ';'; endif; return apply_filters( 'exs_root_colors_inline_styles_string', $exs_css_vars_string ); } endif; //get links color settings inline styles string if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_links_color_inline_styles_string' ) ) : function exs_get_links_color_inline_styles_string() { $css_string = ''; $links_color_menu = exs_get_color_name_based_on_bg_class( exs_option( 'color_links_menu', '' ) ); if ( $links_color_menu ) { $css_string .= '.top-nav a{color:var(--' . $links_color_menu . ');}'; } $links_color_menu_hover = exs_get_color_name_based_on_bg_class( exs_option( 'color_links_menu_hover', '' ) ); if ( $links_color_menu_hover ) { $css_string .= '.top-nav a:hover{color:var(--' . $links_color_menu_hover . ');}'; } $links_color_content = exs_get_color_name_based_on_bg_class( exs_option( 'color_links_content', '' ) ); if ( $links_color_content ) { $css_string .= '.singular .entry-content a:not([class]){color:var(--' . $links_color_content . ');}'; if( is_customize_preview() ) { $css_string .= '.singular .entry-content a[class="customize-unpreviewable"]{color:var(--' . $links_color_content . ');}'; } } $links_color_content_hover = exs_get_color_name_based_on_bg_class( exs_option( 'color_links_content_hover', '' ) ); if ( $links_color_content_hover ) { $css_string .= '.singular .entry-content a:not([class]):hover{color:var(--' . $links_color_content_hover . ');}'; if( is_customize_preview() ) { $css_string .= '.singular .entry-content a[class="customize-unpreviewable"]:hover{color:var(--' . $links_color_content_hover . ');}'; } } return $css_string; } endif; //get typography settings inline styles string if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_typography_inline_styles_string' ) ) : function exs_get_typography_inline_styles_string() { //typography $exs_typography_string = ''; $exs_body_string = ''; //body $exs_body_string .= exs_option( 'typo_body_size' ) ? 'font-size:' . (int) exs_option( 'typo_body_size' ) . 'px;' : ''; $exs_body_string .= exs_option( 'typo_body_weight' ) ? 'font-weight:' . (int) exs_option( 'typo_body_weight' ) . ';' : ''; $exs_body_string .= exs_option( 'typo_body_line_height' ) ? 'line-height:' . (float) exs_option( 'typo_body_line_height' ) . 'em;' : ''; $exs_body_string .= exs_option( 'typo_body_letter_spacing' ) ? 'letter-spacing:' . (float) exs_option( 'typo_body_letter_spacing' ) . 'em;' : ''; if ( $exs_body_string ) { $exs_typography_string = 'body{' . $exs_body_string . '}'; } //paragraph $exs_typography_string .= ! empty( exs_option( 'typo_p_margin_bottom' ) ) ? 'p{margin-bottom:' . (float) exs_option( 'typo_p_margin_bottom' ) . 'em;}' : ''; //headings $headings_array = array( 'h1' => 'h1', 'h2' => 'h2', 'h3' => 'h3', 'h4' => 'h4', 'h5' => 'h5', 'h6' => 'h6', 'post_title' => '.hfeed #layout .entry-title', 'post_title_single' => '.single #layout .entry-title', ); foreach( $headings_array as $h => $selector ) { $h_string = ''; $h_string .= ! empty( exs_option( 'typo_size_' . $h ) ) ? 'font-size:' . (float) exs_option( 'typo_size_' . $h ) . 'em;' : ''; $h_string .= ! empty( exs_option( 'typo_line_height_' . $h ) ) ? 'line-height:' . (float) exs_option( 'typo_line_height_' . $h ) . 'em;' : ''; $h_string .= ! empty( exs_option( 'typo_letter_spacing_' . $h ) ) ? 'letter-spacing:' . exs_option( 'typo_letter_spacing_' . $h ) .'em;' : ''; $h_string .= ! empty( exs_option( 'typo_weight_' . $h ) ) ? 'font-weight:' . (int) exs_option( 'typo_weight_' . $h ) . ';' : ''; $h_string .= ! empty( exs_option( 'typo_mt_' . $h ) ) ? 'margin-top:' . (float) exs_option( 'typo_mt_' . $h ) . 'em;': ''; $h_string .= ! empty( exs_option( 'typo_mb_' . $h ) ) ? 'margin-bottom:' . (float) exs_option( 'typo_mb_' . $h ) . 'em;' : ''; if ( $h_string ) { $exs_typography_string .= $selector . '{' . $h_string . '}'; } } return apply_filters( 'exs_typography_inline_styles_string', $exs_typography_string ); } endif; //get singular post types to display reading progress bard (print markup and enqueue script) if ( ! function_exists( 'exs_get_post_singular_post_types_for_reading_progress_bar' ) ) : function exs_get_post_singular_post_types_for_reading_progress_bar() { $post_types = array( 'post' ); $extra_post_types_string = trim( exs_option('blog_single_read_progress_bar_posttypes', '' ) ); if ( ! empty( $extra_post_types_string ) ) { $extra_post_types_array = explode(',', $extra_post_types_string ); foreach ( $extra_post_types_array as $post_type_slug ) { $post_types[] = trim( $post_type_slug ); } } return $post_types; } endif;