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Default: d M, Y h:i A-> File manager Language. Default: English(en)-> Filemanager UI View. Default: gridActionActions upon selected backup(s)Admin can restrict actions of any user. Also hide files and folders and can set different - different folders paths for different users.Admin can restrict actions of any userrole. Also hide files and folders and can set different - different folders paths for different users roles.After enable trash, your files will go to trash folder.After enabling this all files will go to media library.All DoneAre you sure want to remove selected backup(s)?Are you sure you want to delete this backup?Are you sure you want to restore this backup?Backup DateBackup NowBackup Options:Backup data (click to download)Backup files will be underBackup is running, please waitBackup successfully deleted.Backup/RestoreBackups removed successfully!BanBrowser and OS (HTTP_USER_AGENT)Buy PROBuy ProCancelChange Theme Here:Click to Buy PROCode-editor ViewConfirmCopy files or foldersCurrently no backup(s) found.DELETE FILESDarkDatabase BackupDatabase backup done on date Database backup done.Database backup restored successfully.DefaultDefault:DeleteDeselectDismiss this notice.DonateDownload Files LogsDownload filesDuplicate or clone a folder or fileEdit Files LogsEdit a fileEnable Files Upload to Media Library?Enable Trash?Error: Unable to restore backup because database backup is heavy in size. Please try to increase Maximum allowed size from Preferences settings.Existing Backup(s)Extract archive or zipped fileFile Manager - ShortcodeFile Manager - System PropertiesFile Manager Root Path, you can change according to your choice.File Manager has a code editor with multiple themes. You can select any theme for code editor. It will display when you edit any file. Also you can allow fullscreen mode of code editor.File Operations List:File doesn't exist to download.Files BackupGrayHelpHere "test" is the name of folder which is located on root directory, or you can give path for sub folders as like "wp-content/plugins". If leave blank or empty it will access all folders on root directory. Default: Root directoryHere admin can give access to user roles to use filemanager. Admin can set Default Access Folder and also control upload size of filemanager.Info of fileInvalid Security Code.It will allow all roles to access file manager on front end or You can simple use for particular user roles as like allowed_roles="editor,author" (seprated by comma(,))It will lock mentioned in commas. you can lock more as like ".php,.css,.js" etc. Default: NullIt will show file manager on front end. But only Administrator can access it and will control from file manager settings.It will show file manager on front end. You can control all settings from file manager settings. It will work same as backend WP File Manager.Last Log MessageLightLogsMake directory or folderMake fileMaximum allowed size at the time of database backup restore.Maximum file upload size (upload_max_filesize)Memory Limit (memory_limit)Missing backup id.Missing parameter type.Missing required parameters.No ThanksNo log messageNo logs found!Note:Note: These are demo screenshots. Please buy File Manager pro to Logs functions.Note: This is just a demo screenshot. To get settings please buy our pro version.Nothing selected for backupNothing selected for backup.OKOkOthers (Any other directories found inside wp-content)Others backup done on date Others backup done.Others backup failed.Others backup restored successfully.PHP versionParameters:Paste a file or folderPlease Enter Email Address.Please Enter First Name.Please Enter Last Name.Please change this carefully, wrong path can lead file manager plugin to go down.Please increase field value if you are getting error message at the time of backup restore.PluginsPlugins backup done on date Plugins backup done.Plugins backup failed.Plugins backup restored successfully.Post maximum file upload size (post_max_size)PreferencesPrivacy PolicyPublic Root PathRESTORE FILESRemove or delete files and foldersRename a file or folderRestoreRestore is running, please waitSUCCESSSave ChangesSaving...Search thingsSecurity Issue.Select AllSelect backup(s) to delete!SettingsSettings - Code-editorSettings - GeneralSettings - User RestrictionsSettings - User Role RestrictionsSettings saved.Shortcode - PROSimple cut a file or folderSystem PropertiesTerms of ServiceThe backup apparently succeeded and is now complete.ThemesThemes backup done on date Themes backup done.Themes backup failed.Themes backup restored successfully.Time nowTimeout (max_execution_time)To make a archive or zipTodayUSE:Unable to create database backup.Unable to removed backup!Unable to restore DB backup.Unable to restore others.Unable to restore plugins.Unable to restore themes.Unable to restore uploads.Upload Files LogsUpload filesUploadsUploads backup done on date Uploads backup done.Uploads backup failed.Uploads backup restored successfully.VerifyView LogWP File ManagerWP File Manager - Backup/RestoreWP File Manager ContributionWe love making new friends! Subscribe below and we promise to keep you up-to-date with our latest new plugins, updates, awesome deals and a few special offers.Welcome to File ManagerYou have not made any changes to be saved.for access to read files permission, note: true/false, default: truefor access to write files permissions, note: true/false, default: falseit will hide mentioned here. Note: seprated by comma(,). Default: NullProject-Id-Version: WP File Manager Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-28 13:11+0530 Last-Translator: admin Language-Team: Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1 X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e X-Poedit-Basepath: .. X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: . * 对于所有操作并允许某些操作,您可以提及操作名称,allowed_operations="upload,download"。注意:用逗号(,)分隔。默认: *-> 它将通过将特定用户的 id 用逗号 (,) 分隔来禁止特定用户。如果用户是 Ban,那么他们将无法访问前端的 wp 文件管理器。-> 文件管理器主题。默认值:Light-> 文件修改或创建日期格式。默认值:d M, Y h:i A-> 文件管理器语言。默认值: English(en)-> 文件管理器 UI 视图。默认值:grid行动对选定备份的操作管理员可以限制任何用户的操作。还可以隐藏文件和文件夹,并可以为不同的用户设置不同的文件夹路径。管理员可以限制任何用户角色的操作。还可以隐藏文件和文件夹,并可以为不同的用户角色设置不同的文件夹路径。启用垃圾箱后,您的文件将进入垃圾箱文件夹。启用此功能后,所有文件都将转到媒体库。全做完了您确定要删除选定的备份吗?您确定要删除此备份吗?您确定要恢复此备份吗?备份日期立即备份备份选项:备份数据(点击下载)备份文件将在正在备份,请稍候备份已成功删除。备份/恢复备份删除成功!ban浏览器和操作系统 (HTTP_USER_AGENT)购买专业版购买专业版取消在此处更改主题:点击购买专业版代码编辑器视图确认复制文件或文件夹目前没有找到备份。删除文件黑暗的数据库备份数据库备份在日期完成 数据库备份完成。数据库备份恢复成功。默认默认:删除取消选择忽略此通知。捐下载文件日志下载文件复制或克隆文件夹或文件编辑文件日志编辑文件启用文件上传到媒体库?启用垃圾箱?错误:无法恢复备份,因为数据库备份过大。请尝试从首选项设置中增加最大允许大小。现有备份提取存档或压缩文件文件管理器 - 简码文件管理器 - 系统属性文件管理器根路径,你可以根据你的选择改变。文件管理器具有多个主题的代码编辑器。您可以为代码编辑器选择任何主题。它会在您编辑任何文件时显示。您也可以允许代码编辑器的全屏模式。文件操作列表:要下载的文件不存在。文件备份灰色的帮助这里的“test”是位于根目录的文件夹的名称,或者您可以为子文件夹提供路径,如“wp-content/plugins”。如果留空或为空,它将访问根目录上的所有文件夹。默认值:根目录在这里 admin 可以授予对用户角色的访问权限以使用文件管理器。管理员可以设置默认访问文件夹并控制文件管理器的上传大小。文件信息安全代码无效。它将允许所有角色访问前端的文件管理器,或者您可以简单地使用特定的用户角色,例如 allowed_roles="editor,author" (用逗号(,)分隔)它将锁定逗号中提到的。您可以锁定更多,如“.php、.css、.js”等。默认值:Null它将在前端显示文件管理器。但只有管理员可以访问它,并将通过文件管理器设置进行控制。它将在前端显示文件管理器。您可以从文件管理器设置中控制所有设置。它将与后端 WP 文件管理器相同。最后一条日志消息光日志制作目录或文件夹制作文件数据库备份还原时允许的最大大小。最大文件上传大小 (upload_max_filesize)内存限制 (memory_limit)缺少备份 ID。缺少参数类型。缺少必需的参数。不,谢谢没有日志消息没有找到日志!笔记:注意:这些是演示屏幕截图。请购买文件管理器 pro 到日志功能。注意:这只是一个演示屏幕截图。要获得设置,请购买我们的专业版。未选择任何备份未选择任何备份。好的好的其他(在 wp-content 中找到的任何其他目录)其他备份在日期完成 其他备份完成。其他备份失败。其他备份恢复成功。PHP版本参数:粘贴文件或文件夹请输入电子邮件地址。请输入名字。请输入姓氏。请小心更改,错误的路径会导致文件管理器插件失效。如果您在备份还原时收到错误消息,请增加字段值。插件插件备份在日期完成 插件备份完成。插件备份失败。插件备份已成功恢复。发布最大文件上传大小 (post_max_size)首选项隐私政策公共根路径恢复文件移除或删除文件和文件夹重命名文件或文件夹恢复正在恢复,请稍候成功保存更改保存...搜索东西安全问题。全选选择要删除的备份!设置设置 - 代码编辑器设置 - 常规设置 - 用户限制设置 - 用户角色限制设置已保存。简码 - PRO简单剪切文件或文件夹系统属性服务条款备份显然成功了,现在已经完成。主题主题备份在日期完成 主题备份完成。主题备份失败。主题备份已成功恢复。是时候了超时(max_execution_time)制作存档或压缩文件今天用:无法创建数据库备份。无法删除备份!无法恢复数据库备份。无法恢复其他人。无法恢复插件。无法恢复主题。无法恢复上传。上传文件日志上传文件上传上传备份完成日期 上传备份完成。上传备份失败。上传备份成功恢复。核实查看日志WP文件管理器WP 文件管理器 - 备份/恢复WP 文件管理器贡献我们喜欢结交新朋友!在下面订阅,我们承诺 让您及时了解我们最新的插件、更新、 很棒的交易和一些特别优惠。欢迎使用文件管理器您尚未进行任何要保存的更改。获取读取文件权限,注意:true/false,默认:true获取写文件权限,注意:true/false,默认:false它会隐藏这里提到的。注意:用逗号(,)分隔。默认值:空