options = $options; $this->redirect = $redirect; } /** * Disable the WP core XML sitemaps. */ public function initialize() { // This needs to be on priority 15 as that is after our options initialize. \add_action( 'plugins_loaded', [ $this, 'maybe_disable_core_sitemaps' ], 15 ); } /** * Disables the core sitemaps if Yoast SEO sitemaps are enabled. * * @return void */ public function maybe_disable_core_sitemaps() { if ( $this->options->get( 'enable_xml_sitemap' ) ) { \add_filter( 'wp_sitemaps_enabled', '__return_false' ); \add_action( 'template_redirect', [ $this, 'template_redirect' ], 0 ); } } /** * Redirects requests to the WordPress sitemap to the Yoast sitemap. * * @return void */ public function template_redirect() { // If there is no path, nothing to do. if ( empty( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { return; } $path = \sanitize_text_field( \wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ); // If it's not a wp-sitemap request, nothing to do. if ( \substr( $path, 0, 11 ) !== '/wp-sitemap' ) { return; } $redirect = $this->get_redirect_url( $path ); if ( ! $redirect ) { return; } $this->redirect->do_safe_redirect( \home_url( $redirect ), 301 ); } /** * Returns the relative sitemap URL to redirect to. * * @param string $path The original path. * * @return string|false The path to redirct to. False if no redirect should be done. */ private function get_redirect_url( $path ) { // Start with the simple string comparison so we avoid doing unnecessary regexes. if ( $path === '/wp-sitemap.xml' ) { return '/sitemap_index.xml'; } if ( \preg_match( '/^\/wp-sitemap-(posts|taxonomies)-(\w+)-(\d+)\.xml$/', $path, $matches ) ) { $index = ( (int) $matches[3] - 1 ); $index = ( $index === 0 ) ? '' : (string) $index; return '/' . $matches[2] . '-sitemap' . $index . '.xml'; } if ( \preg_match( '/^\/wp-sitemap-users-(\d+)\.xml$/', $path, $matches ) ) { $index = ( (int) $matches[1] - 1 ); $index = ( $index === 0 ) ? '' : (string) $index; return '/author-sitemap' . $index . '.xml'; } return false; } }