get_month_events(); } $tribe_data = $this->get_tribe_schema( $posts ); $tribe_data = $this->transform_tribe_schema( $tribe_data ); $data = []; foreach ( $tribe_data as $t ) { // Cast the schema object as array, the Yoast Class can't handle objects. $data[] = (array) $t; } // If the resulting array only has one entry, print it directly. if ( \count( $data ) === 1 ) { $data = $data[0]; $data['mainEntityOfPage'] = [ '@id' => $this->context->canonical . Schema_IDs::WEBPAGE_HASH ]; } elseif ( \count( $data ) === 0 ) { $data = false; } return $data; } /** * Get and return the schema markup for a collection of posts. * If the posts array is empty, only the current post is returned. * * @param array $posts The collection of posts we want schema markup for. * * @return array The tribe schema for these posts. */ private function get_tribe_schema( array $posts = [] ) { $args = [ // We do not want the @context to be shown. 'context' => false, ]; $tribe_data = Tribe__Events__JSON_LD__Event::instance()->get_data( $posts, $args ); $type = \strtolower( \esc_attr( Tribe__Events__JSON_LD__Event::instance()->type ) ); foreach ( $tribe_data as $post_id => $_data ) { Tribe__Events__JSON_LD__Event::instance()->set_type( $post_id, $type ); // Register this post as done already. Tribe__Events__JSON_LD__Event::instance()->register( $post_id ); } /** * Allows the event data to be modifed by themes and other plugins. * * @example yoast_tec_json_ld_thing_data * @example yoast_tec_json_ld_event_data * * @param array $data objects representing the Google Markup for each event. * @param array $args the arguments used to get data */ $tribe_data = \apply_filters( "yoast_tec_json_ld_{$type}_data", $tribe_data, $args ); return $tribe_data; } /** * Transform the tribe schema markup and adapt it to the Yoast SEO standard. * * @param array $data The data retrieved from the TEC plugin. * * @return array The transformed event data. */ private function transform_tribe_schema( array $data = [] ) { $new_data = []; foreach ( $data as $post_id => $d ) { $permalink = \get_permalink( $post_id ); // EVENT. // Generate an @id for the event. $d->{'@id'} = $permalink . '#' . \strtolower( \esc_attr( $d->{'@type'} ) ); // Transform the post_thumbnail from the url to the @id of #primaryimage. if ( \has_post_thumbnail( $post_id ) ) { if ( \is_singular( 'tribe_events' ) ) { // On a single view we can assume that Yoast SEO already printed the // image schema for the post thumbnail. $d->image = (object) [ '@id' => $permalink . '#primaryimage', ]; } else { $image_id = \get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ); $schema_id = $permalink . '#primaryimage'; $d->image = $this->helpers->schema->image->generate_from_attachment_id( $schema_id, $image_id ); } } if ( isset( $d->description ) && ! empty( $d->description ) ) { // By the time the description arrives in this plugin it is heavily // escaped. That's why we basically pull new text from the database. $d->description = \get_the_excerpt( $post_id ); } // ORGANIZER. if ( \tribe_has_organizer( $post_id ) ) { if ( ! $d->organizer ) { $d->organizer = new stdClass(); } $organizer_id = \tribe_get_organizer_id( $post_id ); $d->organizer->description = \get_the_excerpt( $organizer_id ); // Fix empty organizer/url and wrong organizer/sameAs. if ( isset( $d->organizer->sameAs ) && $d->organizer->url === false ) { $d->organizer->url = $d->organizer->sameAs; } unset( $d->organizer->sameAs ); } // VENUE / LOCATION. if ( \tribe_has_venue( $post_id ) ) { if ( ! $d->location ) { $d->location = new stdClass(); } $venue_id = \tribe_get_venue_id( $post_id ); $d->location->description = \get_the_excerpt( $venue_id ); } /* * PERFORMER * Unset the performer, as it is currently unused. * @see: */ unset( $d->performer ); // OFFERS. if ( isset( $d->offers ) && \is_array( $d->offers ) ) { foreach ( $d->offers as $key => $offer ) { unset( $d->offers[ $key ]->category ); } } $new_data[ $post_id ] = $d; } return $new_data; } /** * Get an array of events for the requested month. * * @return array An array of posts of the custom post type event. */ private function get_month_events() { $wp_query = \tribe_get_global_query_object(); $event_date = $wp_query->get( 'eventDate' ); $month = $event_date; if ( empty( $month ) ) { $month = \tribe_get_month_view_date(); } $args = [ 'eventDisplay' => 'custom', 'start_date' => Tribe__Events__Template__Month::calculate_first_cell_date( $month ), 'end_date' => Tribe__Events__Template__Month::calculate_final_cell_date( $month ), 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'hide_upcoming' => true, ]; return \tribe_get_events( $args ); } }