helpers->post_type->get_accessible_post_types(); } /** * Returns whether the passed post type is considered accessible. * * @param string $post_type The post type to check. * * @return bool Whether or not the post type is considered accessible. */ public static function is_post_type_accessible( $post_type ) { return in_array( $post_type, self::get_accessible_post_types(), true ); } /** * Checks if the request post type is public and indexable. * * @param string $post_type_name The name of the post type to lookup. * * @return bool True when post type is set to index. */ public static function is_post_type_indexable( $post_type_name ) { return YoastSEO()->helpers->post_type->is_indexable( $post_type_name ); } /** * Filters the attachment post type from an array with post_types. * * @param array $post_types The array to filter the attachment post type from. * * @return array The filtered array. */ public static function filter_attachment_post_type( array $post_types ) { unset( $post_types['attachment'] ); return $post_types; } /** * Checks if the post type is enabled in the REST API. * * @param string $post_type The post type to check. * * @return bool Whether or not the post type is available in the REST API. */ public static function is_rest_enabled( $post_type ) { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); if ( $post_type_object === null ) { return false; } return $post_type_object->show_in_rest === true; } /** * Checks if the current post type has an archive. * * Context: The has_archive value can be a string or a boolean. In most case it will be a boolean, * but it can be defined as a string. When it is a string the archive_slug will be overwritten to * define another endpoint. * * @param WP_Post_Type $post_type The post type object. * * @return bool True whether the post type has an archive. */ public static function has_archive( $post_type ) { return YoastSEO()->helpers->post_type->has_archive( $post_type ); } /** * Checks if the Yoast Metabox has been enabled for the post type. * * @param string $post_type The post type name. * * @return bool True whether the metabox is enabled. */ public static function has_metabox_enabled( $post_type ) { return WPSEO_Options::get( 'display-metabox-pt-' . $post_type, false ); } }