, %2$s expands to . */ __( 'On your site you have a few articles that are %1$sthe%2$s most important. You want to rank highest in Google with these articles. At Yoast, we call these articles cornerstone articles. Take the following 6 steps in order to start ranking with your cornerstone articles!', 'wordpress-seo' ) ), '', '' ); ?>

, %2$s expands to , %3$s expands to , %4$s expands to . */ __( '%1$sNeed more guidance? We\'ve covered every step in more detail in our %2$sCornerstone practical guide%3$s%4$s.', 'wordpress-seo' ) ), '', '', '', '' ); ?>

  1. , %2$s expands to . */ __( 'With which articles do you want to rank highest? Which are the most complete, which are the best explainers, which are %1$sthe%2$s most important? Check out your own website and choose the pages and posts you want to be your cornerstone articles!', 'wordpress-seo' ) ), '', '' ); ?>

  2. , %2$s expands to . */ __( 'Surf to each one of your cornerstones on your own website. Hit %1$sedit post%2$s and go to the WordPress Backend. Mark them as cornerstones in the SEO tab of the metabox or the sidebar of Yoast SEO.', 'wordpress-seo' ) ), '', '' ); ?>

    The cornerstone toggle as shown in the Yoast SEO metabox.