writable() ? '' : 'readonly'; $content = null; try { $content = Htaccess::cls()->htaccess_read(); } catch( \Exception $e ) { echo '

'. $e->getMessage() . '

'; } $htaccess_path = Htaccess::get_frontend_htaccess(); // Check if there is `ExpiresDefault` in .htaccess if ( defined( 'LITESPEED_ON' ) ) { if ( $content && stripos( $content, "\nExpiresDefault" ) !== false ) { $is_dismissed = GUI::get_option( self::DB_DISMISS_MSG ); if ( $is_dismissed !== self::RULECONFLICT_DISMISSED ) { // Need to add a notice for browser cache compatibility if ( $is_dismissed !== self::RULECONFLICT_ON ) { GUI::update_option( self::DB_DISMISS_MSG, self::RULECONFLICT_ON ); } require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/inc/show_rule_conflict.php'; } } // don't dismiss the msg automatically // elseif ( $is_dismissed === Cache_Admin_Display::RULECONFLICT_ON ) { // update_option( self::DISMISS_MSG, Cache_Admin_Display::RULECONFLICT_DISMISSED ); // } } ?>


form_action( $this->_is_network_admin ? Router::ACTION_SAVE_SETTINGS_NETWORK : false ); ?>

title( $id ); ?> build_input( $id, 'litespeed-input-long' ); ?>
: _validate_htaccess_path( $id ); ?>
title( $id ); ?> build_input( $id, 'litespeed-input-long' ); ?>
: _validate_htaccess_path( $id ); ?>
form_end( $this->_is_network_admin ); ?>
form_action( Router::ACTION_SAVE_HTACCESS ); ?>

' . Htaccess::LS_MODULE_DONOTEDIT . '' ); ?>