conf(Base::O_CACHE_PAGE_LOGIN)) { return; } if (Control::isset_notcacheable()) { return; } if (!empty($_GET)) { Control::set_nocache('has GET request'); return; } $this->cls('Control')->set_cacheable(); self::add(self::TYPE_LOGIN); // we need to send lsc-cookie manually to make it be sent to all other users when is cacheable $list = headers_list(); if (empty($list)) { return; } foreach ($list as $hdr) { if (strncasecmp($hdr, 'set-cookie:', 11) == 0) { $cookie = substr($hdr, 12); @header('lsc-cookie: ' . $cookie, false); } } } /** * Register purge tag for pages with recent posts widget * of the plugin. * * @since 1.0.15 * @access public * @param array $params [wordpress params for widget_posts_args] */ public function add_widget_recent_posts($params) { self::add(self::TYPE_PAGES_WITH_RECENT_POSTS); return $params; } /** * Adds cache tags to the list of cache tags for the current page. * * @since 1.0.5 * @access public * @param mixed $tags A string or array of cache tags to add to the current list. */ public static function add($tags) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } Debug2::debug('💰 [Tag] Add ', $tags); self::$_tags = array_merge(self::$_tags, $tags); // Send purge header immediately $tag_header = self::cls()->output(true); @header($tag_header); } /** * Add a post id to cache tag * * @since 3.0 * @access public */ public static function add_post($pid) { self::add(self::TYPE_POST . $pid); } /** * Add a widget id to cache tag * * @since 3.0 * @access public */ public static function add_widget($id) { self::add(self::TYPE_WIDGET . $id); } /** * Add a private ESI to cache tag * * @since 3.0 * @access public */ public static function add_private_esi($tag) { self::add_private(self::TYPE_ESI . $tag); } /** * Adds private cache tags to the list of cache tags for the current page. * * @since 1.6.3 * @access public * @param mixed $tags A string or array of cache tags to add to the current list. */ public static function add_private($tags) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } self::$_tags_priv = array_merge(self::$_tags_priv, $tags); } /** * Return tags for Admin QS * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public */ public static function output_tags() { return self::$_tags; } /** * Will get a hash of the URI. Removes query string and appends a '/' if it is missing. * * @since 1.0.12 * @access public * @param string $uri The uri to get the hash of. * @param boolean $ori Return the original url or not * @return bool|string False on input error, hash otherwise. */ public static function get_uri_tag($uri, $ori = false) { $no_qs = strtok($uri, '?'); if (empty($no_qs)) { return false; } $slashed = trailingslashit($no_qs); // If only needs uri tag if ($ori) { return $slashed; } if (defined('LSCWP_LOG')) { return self::TYPE_URL . $slashed; } return self::TYPE_URL . md5($slashed); } /** * Get the unique tag based on self url. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public * @param boolean $ori Return the original url or not */ public static function build_uri_tag($ori = false) { return self::get_uri_tag(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), $ori); } /** * Gets the cache tags to set for the page. * * This includes site wide post types (e.g. front page) as well as * any third party plugin specific cache tags. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access private * @return array The list of cache tags to set. */ private static function _build_type_tags() { $tags = array(); $tags[] = Utility::page_type(); $tags[] = self::build_uri_tag(); if (is_front_page()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_FRONTPAGE; } elseif (is_home()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_HOME; } global $wp_query; if (isset($wp_query)) { $queried_obj_id = get_queried_object_id(); if (is_archive()) { //An Archive is a Category, Tag, Author, Date, Custom Post Type or Custom Taxonomy based pages. if (is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_ARCHIVE_TERM . $queried_obj_id; } elseif (is_post_type_archive() && ($post_type = get_post_type())) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_ARCHIVE_POSTTYPE . $post_type; } elseif (is_author()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_AUTHOR . $queried_obj_id; } elseif (is_date()) { global $post; $date = $post->post_date; $date = strtotime($date); if (is_day()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_ARCHIVE_DATE . date('Ymd', $date); } elseif (is_month()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_ARCHIVE_DATE . date('Ym', $date); } elseif (is_year()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_ARCHIVE_DATE . date('Y', $date); } } } elseif (is_singular()) { //$this->is_singular = $this->is_single || $this->is_page || $this->is_attachment; $tags[] = self::TYPE_POST . $queried_obj_id; if (is_page()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_PAGES; } } elseif (is_feed()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_FEED; } } // Check REST API if (REST::cls()->is_rest()) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_REST; $path = !empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'] : false; if ($path) { // posts collections tag if (substr($path, -6) == '/posts') { $tags[] = self::TYPE_LIST; // Not used for purge yet } // single post tag global $post; if (!empty($post->ID) && substr($path, -strlen($post->ID) - 1) === '/' . $post->ID) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_POST . $post->ID; } // pages collections & single page tag if (stripos($path, '/pages') !== false) { $tags[] = self::TYPE_PAGES; } } } return $tags; } /** * Generate all cache tags before output * * @access private * @since 1.1.3 */ private static function _finalize() { // run 3rdparty hooks to tag do_action('litespeed_tag_finalize'); // generate wp tags if (!defined('LSCACHE_IS_ESI')) { $type_tags = self::_build_type_tags(); self::$_tags = array_merge(self::$_tags, $type_tags); } if (defined('LITESPEED_GUEST') && LITESPEED_GUEST) { self::$_tags[] = 'guest'; } // append blog main tag self::$_tags[] = ''; // removed duplicates self::$_tags = array_unique(self::$_tags); } /** * Sets up the Cache Tags header. * ONLY need to run this if is cacheable * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public * @return string empty string if empty, otherwise the cache tags header. */ public function output($no_finalize = false) { if (defined('LSCACHE_NO_CACHE') && LSCACHE_NO_CACHE) { return; } if (!$no_finalize) { self::_finalize(); } $prefix_tags = array(); /** * Only append blog_id when is multisite * @since 2.9.3 */ $prefix = LSWCP_TAG_PREFIX . (is_multisite() ? get_current_blog_id() : '') . '_'; // If is_private and has private tags, append them first, then specify prefix to `public` for public tags if (Control::is_private()) { foreach (self::$_tags_priv as $priv_tag) { $prefix_tags[] = $prefix . $priv_tag; } $prefix = 'public:' . $prefix; } foreach (self::$_tags as $tag) { $prefix_tags[] = $prefix . $tag; } $hdr = self::X_HEADER . ': ' . implode(',', $prefix_tags); return $hdr; } }