Back to the WordPress Plugins page." ); } else { /** * Define constants and load plugin files * * @since 2.0 */ function sb_instagram_feed_init() { // Plugin Folder Path. if ( ! defined( 'SBI_PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) { define( 'SBI_PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); } // Plugin Folder URL. if ( ! defined( 'SBI_PLUGIN_URL' ) ) { define( 'SBI_PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ); } // Plugin Base Name if ( ! defined( 'SBI_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'SBI_PLUGIN_BASENAME', plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); } // Plugin Base Name if ( ! defined( 'SBI_BACKUP_PREFIX' ) ) { define( 'SBI_BACKUP_PREFIX', '!' ); } // Plugin Base Name if ( ! defined( 'SBI_FPL_PREFIX' ) ) { define( 'SBI_FPL_PREFIX', '$' ); } // Plugin Base Name if ( ! defined( 'SBI_USE_BACKUP_PREFIX' ) ) { define( 'SBI_USE_BACKUP_PREFIX', '&' ); } // Cron Updating Cache Time 60 days if ( ! defined( 'SBI_CRON_UPDATE_CACHE_TIME' ) ) { define( 'SBI_CRON_UPDATE_CACHE_TIME', 60 * 60 * 24 * 60 ); } // Max Records in Database for Image Resizing if ( ! defined( 'SBI_MAX_RECORDS' ) ) { define( 'SBI_MAX_RECORDS', 350 ); } require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/if-functions.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-api-connect.php'; include_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-connected-account.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-cron-updater.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-display-elements.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-feed.php'; include_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-feed-locator.php'; include_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-gdpr-integrations.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-oembed.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-parse.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-post.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-post-set.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-posts-manager.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-settings.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-single.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-token-refresher.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/blocks/class-sbi-blocks.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/class-sbi-tracking.php'; $sbi_blocks = new SB_Instagram_Blocks(); if ( $sbi_blocks->allow_load() ) { $sbi_blocks->load(); } if ( is_admin() ) { require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/actions.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/main.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/class-sbi-about.php'; include_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/class-sbi-account-connector.php'; if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0' ) >= 0 && version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '4.6' , '>=' ) ) { require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/class-sbi-notifications.php'; $sbi_notifications = new SBI_Notifications(); $sbi_notifications->init(); require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/class-sbi-new-user.php'; $sbi_newuser = new SBI_New_User(); $sbi_newuser->init(); require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/addon-functions.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/PluginSilentUpgrader.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/PluginSilentUpgraderSkin.php'; require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/class-install-skin.php'; } require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/admin/class-sbi-sitehealth.php'; $sbi_sitehealth = new SB_Instagram_SiteHealth(); if ( $sbi_sitehealth->allow_load() ) { $sbi_sitehealth->load(); } } include_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'widget.php'; global $sb_instagram_posts_manager; $sb_instagram_posts_manager = new SB_Instagram_Posts_Manager(); } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'sb_instagram_feed_init' ); /** * Add the custom interval of 30 minutes for cron caching * * @param array $schedules current list of cron intervals * * @return array * * @since 2.0 */ function sbi_cron_custom_interval( $schedules ) { $schedules['sbi30mins'] = array( 'interval' => 30 * 60, 'display' => __( 'Every 30 minutes' ) ); $schedules['sbiweekly'] = array( 'interval' => 3600 * 24 * 7, 'display' => __( 'Weekly' ) ); return $schedules; } add_filter( 'cron_schedules', 'sbi_cron_custom_interval' ); /** * Create database tables, schedule cron events, initiate capabilities * * @param bool $network_wide is a multisite network activation * * @since 2.0 database tables and capabilties created * @since 1.0 */ function sb_instagram_activate( $network_wide ) { //Clear page caching plugins and autoptomize require_once trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . 'inc/if-functions.php'; //Run cron twice daily when plugin is first activated for new users if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'sb_instagram_cron_job' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), 'twicedaily', 'sb_instagram_cron_job' ); } if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'sb_instagram_twicedaily' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), 'twicedaily', 'sb_instagram_twicedaily' ); } if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'sb_instagram_feed_issue_email' ) ) { sbi_schedule_report_email(); } $sbi_settings = get_option( 'sb_instagram_settings', array() ); if ( isset( $sbi_settings['sbi_caching_type'] ) && $sbi_settings['sbi_caching_type'] === 'background' ) { require_once trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . 'inc/if-functions.php'; require_once trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-cron-updater.php'; SB_Instagram_Cron_Updater::start_cron_job( $sbi_settings['sbi_cache_cron_interval'], $sbi_settings['sbi_cache_cron_time'], $sbi_settings['sbi_cache_cron_am_pm'] ); } require_once( trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-posts-manager.php' ); $sb_instagram_posts_manager = new SB_Instagram_Posts_Manager(); if ( is_multisite() && $network_wide && function_exists( 'get_sites' ) && class_exists( 'WP_Site_Query' ) ) { // Get all blogs in the network and activate plugin on each one $sites = get_sites(); foreach ( $sites as $site ) { switch_to_blog( $site->blog_id ); $upload = wp_upload_dir(); $upload_dir = $upload['basedir']; $upload_dir = trailingslashit( $upload_dir ) . SBI_UPLOADS_NAME; if ( ! file_exists( $upload_dir ) ) { $created = wp_mkdir_p( $upload_dir ); if ( $created ) { $sb_instagram_posts_manager->remove_error( 'upload_dir' ); } else { $sb_instagram_posts_manager->add_error( 'upload_dir', array( __( 'There was an error creating the folder for storing resized images.', 'instagram-feed' ), $upload_dir ) ); } } else { $sb_instagram_posts_manager->remove_error( 'upload_dir' ); } sbi_create_database_table(); restore_current_blog(); } } else { $upload = wp_upload_dir(); $upload_dir = $upload['basedir']; $upload_dir = trailingslashit( $upload_dir ) . SBI_UPLOADS_NAME; if ( ! file_exists( $upload_dir ) ) { $created = wp_mkdir_p( $upload_dir ); if ( $created ) { $sb_instagram_posts_manager->remove_error( 'upload_dir' ); } else { $sb_instagram_posts_manager->add_error( 'upload_dir', array( __( 'There was an error creating the folder for storing resized images.', 'instagram-feed' ), $upload_dir ) ); } } else { $sb_instagram_posts_manager->remove_error( 'upload_dir' ); } sbi_create_database_table(); } global $wp_roles; $wp_roles->add_cap( 'administrator', 'manage_instagram_feed_options' ); // set usage tracking to false if fresh install. $usage_tracking = sbi_get_option( 'sbi_usage_tracking', false ); if ( ! is_array( $usage_tracking ) ) { $usage_tracking = array( 'enabled' => false, 'last_send' => 0 ); sbi_update_option( 'sbi_usage_tracking', $usage_tracking, false ); } if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'sbi_notification_update' ) ) { $timestamp = strtotime( 'next monday' ); $timestamp = $timestamp + (3600 * 24 * 7); $six_am_local = $timestamp + sbi_get_utc_offset() + (6*60*60); wp_schedule_event( $six_am_local, 'sbiweekly', 'sbi_notification_update' ); } } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'sb_instagram_activate' ); /** * Stop cron events when deactivated * * @since 1.0 */ function sb_instagram_deactivate() { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'sb_instagram_twicedaily' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'sb_instagram_cron_job' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'sb_instagram_feed_issue_email' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'sbi_notification_update' ); } register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'sb_instagram_deactivate' ); /** * Creates custom database tables and directory for storing custom * images * * @since 2.0 */ function sbi_create_database_table() { global $wpdb; global $sb_instagram_posts_manager; $had_error = false; if ( ! isset( $sb_instagram_posts_manager ) ) { require_once( trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-posts-manager.php' ); $sb_instagram_posts_manager = new SB_Instagram_Posts_Manager(); } global $wp_version; if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '3.5', '<' ) ) { $table_name = esc_sql( $wpdb->prefix . SBI_INSTAGRAM_POSTS_TYPE ); if ( $wpdb->get_var( "show tables like '$table_name'" ) != $table_name ) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $table_name . " ( id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, created_on DATETIME, instagram_id VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, time_stamp DATETIME, top_time_stamp DATETIME, json_data LONGTEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, media_id VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, sizes VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, aspect_ratio DECIMAL (4,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, images_done TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, last_requested DATE );"; $wpdb->query( $sql ); } $feeds_posts_table_name = esc_sql( $wpdb->prefix . SBI_INSTAGRAM_FEEDS_POSTS ); if ( $wpdb->get_var( "show tables like '$feeds_posts_table_name'" ) != $feeds_posts_table_name ) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $feeds_posts_table_name . " ( record_id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, instagram_id VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, feed_id VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, hashtag VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, INDEX hashtag (hashtag(100)), INDEX feed_id (feed_id(100)) );"; $wpdb->query( $sql ); } return; } else { $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); $table_name = esc_sql( $wpdb->prefix . SBI_INSTAGRAM_POSTS_TYPE ); if ( $wpdb->get_var( "show tables like '$table_name'" ) != $table_name ) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $table_name . " ( id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, created_on DATETIME, instagram_id VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, time_stamp DATETIME, top_time_stamp DATETIME, json_data LONGTEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, media_id VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, sizes VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, aspect_ratio DECIMAL (4,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, images_done TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, last_requested DATE ) $charset_collate;"; $wpdb->query( $sql ); } $error = $wpdb->last_error; $query = $wpdb->last_query; if ( $wpdb->get_var( "show tables like '$table_name'" ) != $table_name ) { $had_error = true; $sb_instagram_posts_manager->add_error( 'database_create', '' . __( 'There was an error when trying to create the database tables used for resizing images.', 'instagram-feed' ) .'
' . $error . '
' . $query . '' ); } $feeds_posts_table_name = esc_sql( $wpdb->prefix . SBI_INSTAGRAM_FEEDS_POSTS ); if ( $wpdb->get_var( "show tables like '$feeds_posts_table_name'" ) != $feeds_posts_table_name ) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $feeds_posts_table_name . " ( record_id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, instagram_id VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, feed_id VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, hashtag VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, INDEX hashtag (hashtag(100)), INDEX feed_id (feed_id(100)) ) $charset_collate;"; $wpdb->query( $sql ); $sbi_statuses_option = get_option( 'sbi_statuses', array() ); $sbi_statuses_option['database']['hashtag_column'] = true; update_option( 'sbi_statuses', $sbi_statuses_option ); } $error = $wpdb->last_error; $query = $wpdb->last_query; if ( $wpdb->get_var( "show tables like '$feeds_posts_table_name'" ) != $feeds_posts_table_name ) { $had_error = true; $sb_instagram_posts_manager->add_error( 'database_create', '' . __( 'There was an error when trying to create the database tables used for resizing images.', 'instagram-feed' ) .'
' . $error . '
' . $query . '' ); } if ( ! $had_error ) { $sb_instagram_posts_manager->remove_error( 'database_create' ); } } } /** * Compares previous plugin version and updates database related * items as needed * * @since 2.0 */ function sbi_check_for_db_updates() { $db_ver = get_option( 'sbi_db_version', 0 ); if ( (float) $db_ver < 1.2 ) { $upload = wp_upload_dir(); $upload_dir = $upload['basedir']; $upload_dir = trailingslashit( $upload_dir ) . SBI_UPLOADS_NAME; if ( ! file_exists( $upload_dir ) ) { $created = wp_mkdir_p( $upload_dir ); } sbi_create_database_table(); global $wp_roles; $wp_roles->add_cap( 'administrator', 'manage_instagram_feed_options' ); //Delete all transients global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "options"; $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_timeout\_sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_&sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_timeout\_&sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_\$sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_timeout\_\$sbi\_%') " ); $sbi_statuses_option = get_option( 'sbi_statuses', array() ); if ( ! isset( $sbi_statuses_option['first_install'] ) ) { $options_set = get_option( 'sb_instagram_settings', false ); if ( $options_set ) { $sbi_statuses_option['first_install'] = 'from_update'; } else { $sbi_statuses_option['first_install'] = time(); } $sbi_rating_notice_option = get_option( 'sbi_rating_notice', false ); if ( $sbi_rating_notice_option === 'dismissed' ) { $sbi_statuses_option['rating_notice_dismissed'] = time(); } $sbi_rating_notice_waiting = get_transient( 'instagram_feed_rating_notice_waiting' ); if ( $sbi_rating_notice_waiting === false && $sbi_rating_notice_option === false ) { $time = 2 * WEEK_IN_SECONDS; set_transient( 'instagram_feed_rating_notice_waiting', 'waiting', $time ); update_option( 'sbi_rating_notice', 'pending', false ); } update_option( 'sbi_statuses', $sbi_statuses_option, false ); } update_option( 'sbi_db_version', SBI_DBVERSION ); } if ( (float) $db_ver < 1.3 ) { // removed code that was giving a one week waiting period before notice appeared update_option( 'sbi_db_version', SBI_DBVERSION ); } if ( (float) $db_ver < 1.4 ) { if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'sb_instagram_twicedaily' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), 'twicedaily', 'sb_instagram_twicedaily' ); } update_option( 'sbi_db_version', SBI_DBVERSION ); } if ( (float) $db_ver < 1.5 ) { if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'sb_instagram_feed_issue_email' ) ) { $timestamp = strtotime( 'next monday' ); $timestamp = $timestamp + (3600 * 24 * 7); $six_am_local = $timestamp + sbi_get_utc_offset() + (6*60*60); wp_schedule_event( $six_am_local, 'sbiweekly', 'sb_instagram_feed_issue_email' ); } delete_option( 'sb_instagram_errors' ); update_option( 'sbi_db_version', SBI_DBVERSION ); } if ( (float) $db_ver < 1.6 ) { if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'sbi_notification_update' ) ) { $timestamp = strtotime( 'next monday' ); $timestamp = $timestamp + (3600 * 24 * 7); $six_am_local = $timestamp + sbi_get_utc_offset() + (6*60*60); wp_schedule_event( $six_am_local, 'sbiweekly', 'sbi_notification_update' ); } update_option( 'sbi_db_version', SBI_DBVERSION ); } if ( (float) $db_ver < 1.7 ) { include_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-gdpr-integrations.php'; $sbi_options = get_option( 'sb_instagram_settings', array() ); $disable_resizing = isset( $sbi_options['sb_instagram_disable_resize'] ) ? $sbi_options['sb_instagram_disable_resize'] === 'on' || $sbi_options['sb_instagram_disable_resize'] === true : false; $sbi_statuses_option = get_option( 'sbi_statuses', array() ); if ( $disable_resizing || ! SB_Instagram_GDPR_Integrations::gdpr_tests_successful( true ) ) { $sbi_statuses_option['gdpr']['from_update_success'] = false; } else { $sbi_statuses_option['gdpr']['from_update_success'] = true; } update_option( 'sbi_statuses', $sbi_statuses_option ); update_option( 'sbi_db_version', SBI_DBVERSION ); } if ( (float) $db_ver < 1.8 ) { $sbi_statuses_option = get_option( 'sbi_statuses', array() ); if ( empty( $sbi_statuses_option['database']['hashtag_column'] ) ) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . SBI_INSTAGRAM_FEEDS_POSTS; $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $table_name ADD hashtag VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL;" ); $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $table_name ADD INDEX hashtag (hashtag(100))" ); $sbi_statuses_option['database']['hashtag_column'] = true; update_option( 'sbi_statuses', $sbi_statuses_option ); } update_option( 'sbi_db_version', SBI_DBVERSION ); } if ( (float) $db_ver < 1.9 ) { include_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-posts-manager.php'; include_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-feed-locator.php'; SB_Instagram_Feed_Locator::create_table(); update_option( 'sbi_db_version', SBI_DBVERSION ); } } add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'sbi_check_for_db_updates' ); /** * Deletes saved data for the plugin unless setting to preserve * settings is enabled * * @since 2.0 custom tables, custom images, and image directory deleted * @since 1.0 */ function sb_instagram_uninstall() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { return; } //If the user is preserving the settings then don't delete them $options = get_option( 'sb_instagram_settings' ); $sb_instagram_preserve_settings = isset( $options['sb_instagram_preserve_settings'] ) ? $options['sb_instagram_preserve_settings'] : false; if ( $sb_instagram_preserve_settings ) { return; } //Settings delete_option( 'sb_instagram_settings' ); delete_option( 'sbi_ver' ); delete_option( 'sbi_db_version' ); delete_option( 'sb_expired_tokens' ); delete_option( 'sbi_cron_report' ); delete_option( 'sb_instagram_errors' ); delete_option( 'sb_instagram_ajax_status' ); delete_option( 'sbi_statuses' ); // Clear backup caches global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "options"; $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%!sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_&sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_timeout\_&sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%sb_wlupdated_%') " ); //image resizing $upload = wp_upload_dir(); $posts_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'sbi_instagram_posts'; $feeds_posts_table_name = esc_sql( $wpdb->prefix . 'sbi_instagram_feeds_posts' ); $image_files = glob( trailingslashit( $upload['basedir'] ) . trailingslashit( 'sb-instagram-feed-images' ) . '*' ); // get all file names foreach ( $image_files as $file ) { // iterate files if ( is_file( $file ) ) { unlink( $file ); } // delete file } global $wp_filesystem; $wp_filesystem->delete( trailingslashit( $upload['basedir'] ) . trailingslashit( 'sb-instagram-feed-images' ) , true ); //Delete tables $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $posts_table_name" ); $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $feeds_posts_table_name" ); $locator_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . SBI_INSTAGRAM_FEED_LOCATOR; $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $locator_table_name" ); $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "options"; $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_\$sbi\_%') " ); $wpdb->query( " DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE `option_name` LIKE ('%\_transient\_timeout\_\$sbi\_%') " ); delete_option( 'sbi_usage_tracking_config' ); delete_option( 'sbi_usage_tracking' ); delete_option( 'sbi_notifications' ); delete_option( 'sbi_newuser_notifications' ); delete_option( 'sbi_oembed_token' ); delete_option( 'sbi_rating_notice' ); delete_option( 'sbi_refresh_report' ); delete_option( 'sbi_single_cache' ); global $wp_roles; $wp_roles->remove_cap( 'administrator', 'manage_instagram_feed_options' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'sbi_feed_update' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'sbi_usage_tracking_cron' ); } register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, 'sb_instagram_uninstall' ); /** * Create database tables for sub-site if multisite * * @param int $blog_id * @param int $user_id * @param string $domain * @param string $path * @param string $site_id * @param array $meta * * @since 2.0 */ function sbi_on_create_blog( $blog_id, $user_id, $domain, $path, $site_id, $meta ) { if ( is_plugin_active_for_network( 'instagram-feed/instagram-feed.php' ) ) { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); sbi_create_database_table(); restore_current_blog(); } } add_action( 'wpmu_new_blog', 'sbi_on_create_blog', 10, 6 ); /** * Delete custom tables if not preserving settings * * @param array $tables tables to drop * * @return array * * @since 2.0 */ function sbi_on_delete_blog( $tables ) { $options = get_option( 'sb_instagram_settings' ); $sb_instagram_preserve_settings = $options['sb_instagram_preserve_settings']; if ( $sb_instagram_preserve_settings ) { return; } global $wpdb; $tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . SBI_INSTAGRAM_POSTS_TYPE; $tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . SBI_INSTAGRAM_FEEDS_POSTS; return $tables; } add_filter( 'wpmu_drop_tables', 'sbi_on_delete_blog' ); function sbi_text_domain() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'instagram-feed', false, basename( dirname(__FILE__) ) . '/languages' ); } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'sbi_text_domain' ); function sbi_do_token_refreshes() { $options = get_option( 'sb_instagram_settings', array() ); $connected_accounts = isset( $options['connected_accounts'] ) ? $options['connected_accounts'] : array(); if ( is_array( $connected_accounts ) && ! empty( $connected_accounts ) ) { require_once trailingslashit( SBI_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'inc/class-sb-instagram-token-refresher.php'; $report = array( 'notes' => array( 'time_ran' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ) ); foreach ( $connected_accounts as $connected_account ) { $is_basic = (isset( $connected_account['type'] ) && $connected_account['type'] === 'basic'); if ( $is_basic ) { $refresher = new SB_Instagram_Token_Refresher( $connected_account ); if ( $refresher->should_attempt_refresh() ) { $refresher->attempt_token_refresh(); } $report[ $connected_account['user_id'] ] = $refresher->get_report(); } } update_option( 'sbi_refresh_report', $report, false ); } } add_action( 'sb_instagram_twicedaily', 'sbi_do_token_refreshes' ); }