profile = $this->get_analytics_profile(); $this->network = $this->get_network_analytics_profile(); } public function is_manual( $type = false ) { $result = ! empty( $this->profile['manual'] ); if ( ! $result || empty( $type ) ) { return $result; } return $type === 'ua' ? monsterinsights_is_valid_ua( $this->profile['manual'] ) : monsterinsights_is_valid_v4_id( $this->profile['manual'] ); } public function is_network_manual( $type = false ) { $result = ! empty( $this->network['manual'] ); if ( ! $result || empty( $type ) ) { return $result; } return $type === 'ua' ? monsterinsights_is_valid_ua( $this->network['manual'] ) : monsterinsights_is_valid_v4_id( $this->network['manual'] ); } public function is_authed( $type = false ) { $result = ! empty( $this->profile['key'] ); if ( ! $result || empty( $type ) ) { return $result; } return $this->get_connected_type() === $type && ! empty( $this->profile[ $type ] ); } public function is_network_authed( $type = false ) { $result = ! empty( $this->network['key'] ); if ( ! $result || empty( $type ) ) { return $result; } return $this->get_connected_type() === $type && ! empty( $this->network[ $type ] ); } public function get_analytics_profile( $force = false ) { if ( ! empty( $this->profile ) && ! $force ) { return $this->profile; } else { $profile = get_option( 'monsterinsights_site_profile', array() ); $this->profile = $profile; return $profile; } } public function get_network_analytics_profile( $force = false ) { if ( ! empty( $this->network ) && ! $force ) { return $this->network; } else { $profile = get_site_option( 'monsterinsights_network_profile', array() ); $this->network = $profile; return $profile; } } public function set_analytics_profile( $data = array() ){ update_option( 'monsterinsights_site_profile', $data ); $this->profile = $data; // If this is the first time, save the date when they connected. $over_time = get_option( 'monsterinsights_over_time', array() ); $needs_update = false; if ( monsterinsights_is_pro_version() && empty( $over_time['connected_date_pro'] ) ) { $over_time['connected_date_pro'] = time(); $needs_update = true; } if ( ! monsterinsights_is_pro_version() && empty( $over_time['connected_date_lite'] ) ) { $over_time['connected_date_lite'] = time(); $needs_update = true; } if ( $needs_update ) { update_option( 'monsterinsights_over_time', $over_time, false ); } } public function set_network_analytics_profile( $data = array() ){ update_site_option( 'monsterinsights_network_profile', $data ); $this->network = $data; } public function delete_analytics_profile( $migrate = true ){ if ( $migrate ) { $newdata = array(); if ( isset( $this->profile['ua'] ) ) { $newdata['manual'] = $this->profile['ua']; } if ( isset( $this->profile['v4'] ) ) { $newdata['manual_v4'] = $this->profile['v4']; } $this->profile = $newdata; $this->set_analytics_profile( $newdata ); } else { $this->profile = array(); delete_option( 'monsterinsights_site_profile' ); } } public function delete_network_analytics_profile( $migrate = true ){ if ( $migrate ) { $newdata = array(); if ( isset( $this->network['ua'] ) ) { $newdata['manual'] = $this->network['ua']; } if ( isset( $this->network['v4'] ) ) { $newdata['manual_v4'] = $this->network['v4']; } $this->network = $newdata; $this->set_network_analytics_profile( $newdata ); } else { $this->network = array(); delete_site_option( 'monsterinsights_network_profile' ); } } public function set_manual_ua( $ua = '' ) { if ( empty( $ua ) ) { return; } if ( $this->is_authed() ) { MonsterInsights()->api_auth->delete_auth(); } $data = array(); if ( empty( $this->profile ) ) { $data['manual'] = $ua; } else { $data = $this->profile; $data['manual'] = $ua; } do_action( 'monsterinsights_reports_delete_aggregate_data' ); $this->profile = $data; $this->set_analytics_profile( $data ); } /** * @param string $id * @param array $data * @param bool $is_manual_ua * @param bool $is_manual_v4 * @param bool $is_authed_ua * @param bool $is_authed_v4 * * @return false|array */ private function prepare_dual_tracking_data( $id, $data, $is_manual_ua, $is_manual_v4, $is_authed_ua, $is_authed_v4 ) { if ( empty( $id ) ) { $key = false; if ( $is_manual_ua || $is_manual_v4 ) { $key = $is_manual_ua ? 'manual_v4' : 'manual'; } elseif ( $is_authed_ua || $is_authed_v4 ) { $key = $is_authed_ua ? 'v4' : 'ua'; } if ( $key && ! empty( $data[ $key ] ) ) { unset( $data[ $key ] ); } } else { $is_dual_tracking_id_v4 = monsterinsights_is_valid_v4_id( $id ); $is_dual_tracking_id_ua = monsterinsights_is_valid_ua( $id ); $is_valid_dual_tracking_id = ( $is_dual_tracking_id_ua && ( $is_manual_v4 || $is_authed_v4 ) ) || ( $is_dual_tracking_id_v4 && ( $is_manual_ua || $is_authed_ua ) ); if ( ! $is_valid_dual_tracking_id ) { return false; } if ( $is_manual_ua || $is_manual_v4 ) { $key = $is_dual_tracking_id_v4 ? 'manual_v4' : 'manual'; } else { $key = $is_dual_tracking_id_v4 ? 'v4' : 'ua'; } $data[ $key ] = $id; } return $data; } public function set_dual_tracking_id ( $id = '' ) { $data = empty( $this->profile ) ? array() : $this->profile; $is_manual_ua = $this->is_manual( 'ua' ); $is_manual_v4 = $this->is_manual( 'v4' ); $is_authed_ua = $this->is_authed( 'ua' ); $is_authed_v4 = $this->is_authed( 'v4' ); $prepared_data = $this->prepare_dual_tracking_data( $id, $data, $is_manual_ua, $is_manual_v4, $is_authed_ua, $is_authed_v4 ); if ( $prepared_data === false ) { return; } $this->profile = $prepared_data; $this->set_analytics_profile( $prepared_data ); } public function set_network_dual_tracking_id ( $id = '' ) { $data = empty( $this->network ) ? array() : $this->network; $is_manual_ua = $this->is_network_manual( 'ua' ); $is_manual_v4 = $this->is_network_manual( 'v4' ); $is_authed_ua = $this->is_network_authed( 'ua' ); $is_authed_v4 = $this->is_network_authed( 'v4' ); $prepared_data = $this->prepare_dual_tracking_data( $id, $data, $is_manual_ua, $is_manual_v4, $is_authed_ua, $is_authed_v4 ); if ( $prepared_data === false ) { return; } $this->network = $prepared_data; $this->set_network_analytics_profile( $prepared_data ); } public function set_manual_v4_id( $v4 = '' ) { if ( empty( $v4 ) ) { return; } if ( $this->is_authed() ) { MonsterInsights()->api_auth->delete_auth(); } $data = array(); if ( empty( $this->profile ) ) { $data['manual_v4'] = $v4; } else { $data = $this->profile; $data['manual_v4'] = $v4; } do_action( 'monsterinsights_reports_delete_aggregate_data' ); $this->profile = $data; $this->set_analytics_profile( $data ); } public function set_network_manual_ua( $ua = '' ) { if ( empty( $ua ) ) { return; } if ( $this->is_network_authed() ) { MonsterInsights()->api_auth->delete_auth(); } $data = array(); if ( empty( $this->network ) ) { $data['manual'] = $ua; } else { $data = $this->network; $data['manual'] = $ua; } do_action( 'monsterinsights_reports_delete_network_aggregate_data' ); $this->network = $data; $this->set_network_analytics_profile( $data ); } public function set_network_manual_v4_id( $v4 = '' ) { if ( empty( $v4 ) ) { return; } if ( $this->is_network_authed() ) { MonsterInsights()->api_auth->delete_auth(); } $data = array(); if ( empty( $this->network ) ) { $data['manual_v4'] = $v4; } else { $data = $this->network; $data['manual_v4'] = $v4; } do_action( 'monsterinsights_reports_delete_network_aggregate_data' ); $this->network = $data; $this->set_network_analytics_profile( $data ); } public function get_measurement_protocol_secret() { return ! empty( $this->profile['measurement_protocol_secret'] ) ? $this->profile['measurement_protocol_secret'] : ''; } public function get_network_measurement_protocol_secret() { return ! empty( $this->network['measurement_protocol_secret'] ) ? $this->network['measurement_protocol_secret'] : ''; } public function set_measurement_protocol_secret( $value ) { $data = array(); if ( empty( $this->profile ) ) { $data['measurement_protocol_secret'] = $value; } else { $data = $this->profile; $data['measurement_protocol_secret'] = $value; } $this->profile = $data; $this->set_analytics_profile( $data ); } public function set_network_measurement_protocol_secret( $value ) { $data = array(); if ( empty( $this->network ) ) { $data['measurement_protocol_secret'] = $value; } else { $data = $this->network; $data['measurement_protocol_secret'] = $value; } $this->network = $data; $this->set_network_analytics_profile( $data ); } public function delete_manual_ua() { if ( ! empty( $this->profile ) && ! empty( $this->profile['manual'] ) ) { unset( $this->profile['manual'] ); $this->set_analytics_profile( $this->profile ); } } public function delete_network_manual_ua() { if ( ! empty( $this->network ) && ! empty( $this->network['manual'] ) ) { unset( $this->network['manual'] ); $this->set_network_analytics_profile( $this->network ); } } public function delete_manual_v4_id() { if ( ! empty( $this->profile ) && ! empty( $this->profile['manual_v4'] ) ) { unset( $this->profile['manual_v4'] ); $this->set_analytics_profile( $this->profile ); } } public function delete_network_manual_v4_id() { if ( ! empty( $this->network ) && ! empty( $this->network['manual_v4'] ) ) { unset( $this->network['manual_v4'] ); $this->set_network_analytics_profile( $this->network ); } } public function get_connected_type() { return empty( $this->profile['connectedtype'] ) ? 'ua' : $this->profile['connectedtype']; } public function get_manual_ua() { return ! empty( $this->profile['manual'] ) ? monsterinsights_is_valid_ua( $this->profile['manual'] ) : ''; } public function get_manual_v4_id() { return ! empty( $this->profile['manual_v4'] ) ? monsterinsights_is_valid_v4_id( $this->profile['manual_v4'] ) : ''; } public function get_network_manual_ua() { return ! empty( $this->network['manual'] ) ? monsterinsights_is_valid_ua( $this->network['manual'] ) : ''; } public function get_network_manual_v4_id() { return ! empty( $this->network['manual_v4'] ) ? monsterinsights_is_valid_v4_id( $this->network['manual_v4'] ) : ''; } public function get_ua() { return ! empty( $this->profile['ua'] ) ? monsterinsights_is_valid_ua( $this->profile['ua'] ) : ''; } public function get_v4_id() { return ! empty( $this->profile['v4'] ) ? monsterinsights_is_valid_v4_id( $this->profile['v4'] ) : ''; } public function get_network_ua() { return ! empty( $this->network['ua'] ) ? monsterinsights_is_valid_ua( $this->network['ua'] ) : ''; } public function get_network_v4_id() { return ! empty( $this->network['v4'] ) ? monsterinsights_is_valid_v4_id( $this->network['v4'] ) : ''; } public function get_viewname(){ return ! empty( $this->profile['viewname'] ) ? $this->profile['viewname'] : ''; } public function get_network_viewname(){ return ! empty( $this->network['viewname'] ) ? $this->network['viewname'] : ''; } public function get_accountid(){ return ! empty( $this->profile['a'] ) ? $this->profile['a'] : ''; } public function get_network_accountid(){ return ! empty( $this->network['a'] ) ? $this->network['a'] : ''; } public function get_propertyid(){ return ! empty( $this->profile['w'] ) ? $this->profile['w'] : ''; } public function get_network_propertyid(){ return ! empty( $this->network['w'] ) ? $this->network['w'] : ''; } public function get_viewid(){ // also known as profileID return ! empty( $this->profile['p'] ) ? $this->profile['p'] : ''; } public function get_network_viewid(){ // also known as profileID return ! empty( $this->network['p'] ) ? $this->network['p'] : ''; } public function get_key(){ return ! empty( $this->profile['key'] ) ? $this->profile['key'] : ''; } public function get_network_key(){ return ! empty( $this->network['key'] ) ? $this->network['key'] : ''; } public function get_token(){ return ! empty( $this->profile['token'] ) ? $this->profile['token'] : ''; } public function get_network_token(){ return ! empty( $this->network['token'] ) ? $this->network['token'] : ''; } public function get_referral_url() { $auth = MonsterInsights()->auth; if ( $this->is_authed() ) { $acc_id = $auth->get_accountid(); $view_id = $auth->get_viewid(); $property_id = $auth->get_propertyid(); } else if ( $this->is_network_authed() ) { $acc_id = $auth->get_network_accountid(); $view_id = $auth->get_network_viewid(); $property_id = $auth->get_network_propertyid(); } if ( ! empty( $acc_id ) && ! empty( $view_id ) && ! empty( $property_id ) ) { $format = $auth->get_connected_type() === 'ua' ? 'a%sw%sp%s/' : 'p%2$s'; return sprintf( $format, $acc_id, $property_id, $view_id ); } return ''; } }