register_data(); } /** * Mark template as favorite. * * Update user meta containing his favorite templates. For a given template * ID, add the template to the favorite templates or remove it from the * favorites, based on the `favorite` parameter. * * @since 1.9.0 * @access public * * @param int $template_id The template ID. * @param bool $favorite Optional. Whether the template is marked as * favorite, or not. Default is true. * * @return int|bool User meta ID if the key didn't exist, true on successful * update, false on failure. */ public function mark_as_favorite( $template_id, $favorite = true ) { $favorites_templates = $this->get_user_meta( 'favorites' ); if ( ! $favorites_templates ) { $favorites_templates = []; } if ( $favorite ) { $favorites_templates[ $template_id ] = $favorite; } elseif ( isset( $favorites_templates[ $template_id ] ) ) { unset( $favorites_templates[ $template_id ] ); } return $this->update_user_meta( 'favorites', $favorites_templates ); } /** * Get current user meta. * * Retrieve Elementor meta data for the current user. * * @since 1.9.0 * @access public * * @param string $item Optional. User meta key. Default is null. * * @return null|array An array of user meta data, or null otherwise. */ public function get_user_meta( $item = null ) { if ( null === $this->user_meta ) { $this->user_meta = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $this->get_user_meta_prefix(), true ); } if ( ! $this->user_meta ) { $this->user_meta = []; } if ( $item ) { if ( isset( $this->user_meta[ $item ] ) ) { return $this->user_meta[ $item ]; } return null; } return $this->user_meta; } /** * Update current user meta. * * Update user meta data based on meta key an value. * * @since 1.9.0 * @access public * * @param string $key Optional. User meta key. * @param mixed $value Optional. User meta value. * * @return int|bool User meta ID if the key didn't exist, true on successful * update, false on failure. */ public function update_user_meta( $key, $value ) { $meta = $this->get_user_meta(); $meta[ $key ] = $value; $this->user_meta = $meta; return update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $this->get_user_meta_prefix(), $meta ); } /** * Replace elements IDs. * * For any given Elementor content/data, replace the IDs with new randomly * generated IDs. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access protected * * @param array $content Any type of Elementor data. * * @return mixed Iterated data. */ protected function replace_elements_ids( $content ) { return Plugin::$instance->db->iterate_data( $content, function( $element ) { $element['id'] = Utils::generate_random_string(); return $element; } ); } /** * Get Elementor library user meta prefix. * * Retrieve user meta prefix used to save Elementor data. * * @since 1.9.0 * @access protected * * @return string User meta prefix. */ protected function get_user_meta_prefix() { return 'elementor_library_' . $this->get_id(); } /** * Process content for export/import. * * Process the content and all the inner elements, and prepare all the * elements data for export/import. * * @since 1.5.0 * @access protected * * @param array $content A set of elements. * @param string $method Accepts either `on_export` to export data or * `on_import` to import data. * * @return mixed Processed content data. */ protected function process_export_import_content( $content, $method ) { return Plugin::$instance->db->iterate_data( $content, function( $element_data ) use ( $method ) { $element = Plugin::$instance->elements_manager->create_element_instance( $element_data ); // If the widget/element isn't exist, like a plugin that creates a widget but deactivated if ( ! $element ) { return null; } return $this->process_element_export_import_content( $element, $method ); } ); } /** * Process single element content for export/import. * * Process any given element and prepare the element data for export/import. * * @since 1.5.0 * @access protected * * @param Controls_Stack $element * @param string $method * * @return array Processed element data. */ protected function process_element_export_import_content( Controls_Stack $element, $method ) { $element_data = $element->get_data(); if ( method_exists( $element, $method ) ) { // TODO: Use the internal element data without parameters. $element_data = $element->{$method}( $element_data ); } foreach ( $element->get_controls() as $control ) { $control_class = Plugin::$instance->controls_manager->get_control( $control['type'] ); // If the control isn't exist, like a plugin that creates the control but deactivated. if ( ! $control_class ) { return $element_data; } if ( method_exists( $control_class, $method ) ) { $element_data['settings'][ $control['name'] ] = $control_class->{$method}( $element->get_settings( $control['name'] ), $control ); } // On Export, check if the control has an argument 'export' => false. if ( 'on_export' === $method && isset( $control['export'] ) && false === $control['export'] ) { unset( $element_data['settings'][ $control['name'] ] ); } } return $element_data; } }